About Us

G&A Law Firm is one of the fastest growing law firms in Jakarta as the result of our client-centric approach, as well as providing high-quality and various legal services with transparent delivery to our clients. G&A Law Firm provides broad services with specialization on litigation, Commercial Law and Corporate, Private Investment Law, Labor and Intellectual Property Right.

G&A Law Firm has proven track-record on representing and assisting diverse backgrounds of clients, ranging from small independent firms to multinational companies, local businesses to foreign-owned companies and representative offices. Our experience spans across vary industries including banking, mining, plantation, trading, oil and gas services (underwater surveys and inspections), property management, formal and non-formal education, information technology, communications, construction and transportation. Our services encompass assisting clients in dealing with a wide range of legal issues such as securing investments, litigation, compliance, and professional indemnification issue.


The sustainable growth of G&A Law Firm is driven by our team dedication. Our partners and management work closely with our excellent paralegals as well as notaries, tax consultants, and accounting partners to provide unmatched quality of service to each client.


We deeply value the trust that has been given to us by our clients and commit to provide maximum expertise and skills to maintain this trust. By comprehensively understanding our clients’ needs and business, we strive to provide tailored solutions to the legal issues. G&A Law Firm is dedicated to offer the best possible outcomes for our clients, always operating within the bounds of the law. We view our clients’ problems as our own and approach each situation with a commitment to lawful resolution.


Human, as social creature in life and business, will always come into contact with law at all times, of course we cannot avoid to not be involved with the legal matters. However, does the law always identic with dispute? Of course not, because the law serves us as safeguard. Often legal disputes “come without permission” and we go into them without any preparation.


The wide frequency and interaction of transactions in business and industrial traffic recently has given various legal disputes, loopholes in business contracts, cyber-crimes, financial technology crimes, e-commerce crimes, bankruptcy and debt obligation restricting has become the indicator of modern crimes that we meet in metropolitan city, while the conventional crimes have gradually decreased.


The question, when facing that legal issue, are you capable to settle it by your own? The law can be analogue as a machine which is designed for the betterment of human interest. However, the operation of the machine must be done by individuals who possesses the specialize knowledge and expertise. Without such expertise, the machine may not provide good benefits, instead, it may cause harm. This scenario mirrors the challenges faced in our lives as social beings. To ensure that this does not happen to you and to answer that need, we are the mechanical experts (legal experts/professional lawyers) known as G&A Law Firm who are here to provide the legal service for you.


Reflecting on our professional experience, G&A Law Firm team discovered the fact that legal disputes usually occur because they do not start with the preparation of complete legal instruments.  Simple yet crucial elements such as making agreements, engagements, contracts and other legal product documents. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a legal department within companies, or at the very least, seek legal advice from knowledgeable professional. Failure to pay attention and consider legal aspects will result in a high risk of resulting in losses for any company.


Our success is attributed to the support and collaboration with professional partners and associates, all of whom are experts in their respective fields, combined with experience in various fields of law, both litigation and corporate, as well as attending trainings and education. It is not an overstatement to assert that discerning and intelligent business leaders have adopted a pragmatic approach, entrusting us with the responsibility of overseeing and managing every aspect related to potential or existing legal disputes. Their serious commitment reflects a profound acknowledgment of the value we bring to safeguarding their interests and navigating the complexities of legal challenges.

Frans Salom Girsang, S.H., M.H.
Founder and Managing Partner

Frans is a distinguished legal professional, holding a Bachelor’s degree in Law from Universitas Parahyangan Bandung. He has undergone advanced training in areas such Bankruptcy (Curator and Administrator), Corporation, Labor, Family Law and Public, Litigation, Telecommunication, Construction, and Intellectual Property Rights.
As the Founder of G&A Law Firm, Frans specializes in litigation and public law, showcasing fluency in both English and Bahasa Indonesia. Not only is he a member of PERADI (Indonesian Bar Association), Frans also holds the Administrator and Bankruptcy Curator License and is a member of AKPI (Indonesian Receivers and Administrators Association).
With his extensive experience in the legal profession, Frans has cultivated a broad network, providing the firm with benefits in handling various cases and legal problems related to the society and its relation with the government.

Dr. Alfonsus Andrew, S.H., M.H., CLA.

Alfonsus Andrew holds a Doctorate and Master’s degree in Law, as well as a Certified Legal Auditor (CLA) certification. As an accomplished legal professional, his expertise lies in the areas of Corporate and Capital Market law. With over 15 years of experience, Alfonsus Andrew has honed his skills in effectively managing assignments and leading a team. His unwavering commitment to continuous self-improvement drives him to deliver outstanding service that surpasses clients’ expectations.

Tegar Rastratama, S.H., M.H.

Tegar Rastratama meraih gelar sarjana hukum di Universitas Trisakti (2020) mengambil program kekhususan dalam hukum praktisi dan meraih gelar magister hukum di Universitas Indonesia (2023) dengan jurusan hukum ekonomi. Tegar sudah menyelesaikaan Pendidikan Khusus Profesi Advokat (2021) dan telah lulus Ujian Profesi Advokat (2022). Selama berkarir sebagai calon advokat, Tegar berpengalaman menangani berbagai kasus diantaranya hukum korporasi, pidana, perdata, ketenagakerjaan, konstitusi, tindak pidana korupsi dan kekayaan intelektual.

Bona Tua Silaban,S.E.,S.H.

Bona received his Bachelor’s Degree in Economy from Universitas Methodist Indonesia, specializing in Marketing Management, and obtained Bachelor’s Degree in Law from Institute of Business Law and Management Jakarta. Bona both litigation and non litigation, has handled variety of cases including corporate law, criminal cases, civil cases, labor issues, constitutional cases, corruption, and intellectual property rights.

Tegar Rastratama, S.H., M.H.

Tegar Ratratama obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Law from Universitas Trisakti in 2020, specializing in practitioner law, and achieved his Master’s in Law from Universitas Indonesia in 2023, majoring in economic law. Tegar has completed his Advocate Profession Special Education Program (PKPA) in 2021 and passed the Indonesia Bar Exam (Ujian Profesi Advokat) in 2022. Throughout his career as an advocate candidate, Tegar has gained experience in handling cases such as corporate law, criminal cases, civil cases, labor issues, constitutional cases, corruption, and intellectual property rights.

Alfonsus Andrew, S.H., M.H., CLA.

Alfonsus Andrew menyandang gelar Doktor dan Magister Hukum, serta sertifikasi Certified Legal Auditor (CLA). Sebagai seorang profesional hukum yang berprestasi, keahliannya terletak pada bidang hukum Korporasi dan Pasar Modal. Dengan pengalaman lebih dari 15 tahun, Alfonsus Andrew telah mengasah keterampilannya dalam mengelola tugas dan memimpin tim secara efektif. Komitmennya yang tak tergoyahkan terhadap pengembangan diri terus-menerus mendorongnya untuk memberikan layanan luar biasa yang melampaui harapan klien.

Bona Tua Silaban,S.E.,S.H

Memperoleh gelar Sarjana Ekonomi dari Universitas Methodist Indonesia dengan spesialisasi Manajemen Pemasaran, dan meraih gelar Sarjana Hukum dari Institute of Business Law and Management IBLAM Jakarta. Bona telah memperoleh pengalaman baik dalam bidang litigasi dan non litigasi dan   telah menangani kasus-kasus seperti hukum korporasi, kasus pidana, kasus perdata, masalah perburuhan, kasus konstitusi, korupsi, dan hak kekayaan intelektual.

Irawan Arthen, S.H., M.H., M.M.
Pendiri dan Partner

Irawan Arthen adalah pengacara litigasi  yang menamatkan Sarjana Hukum (1994) dari Unisri. Oleh karena hukum itu berkaitan erat dengan bisnis, maka  Irawan Arthen  melanjutkan kuliah Magister Manajemen di Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta (1996). Bagi Irawan, hukum itu sangat dinamis dan selalu berkembang, sehingga dia menamatkan kuliah Magister Hukum di Universitas Jayabaya (2015).

Dalam menjalani profesinya sebagai pengacara, Irawan Arthen selalu memegang prinsip “securly and prudently”, dan segala sesuatu boleh dilakukan asal memiliki DASAR HUKUM. Hukum itu ibarat sebagai panglima. Kebenaran adalah ibu dari Keadilan, oleh karena itu janganlah membenarkan kebiasaan, tetapi biasakanlah bertindak benar dan berpikir benar diluar kebiasaan.

Tata Usaha Negara

Mewakili klien dalam menghadapi sengketa tata usaha negara.

Tenaga Kerja & Hubungan Industrial

Perselisihan hubungan industrial, perselisihan hak dan kepentingan, Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja/ PHK dan pesangon baik di tingkat bipartiet, tripartiet maupun di tingkat Pengadilan Hubungan Industrial.

Litigasi Komersial

Mewakili Debitur dalam Kepailitan,

Mewakili Kreditur dalam Kepailitan,

Mengajukan Permohonan Pernyataan Pailit,

Permohonan Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang,

Sengketa Hak Kekayaan Intelektual

(di semua Pengadilan Niaga seluruh Indonesia)

Hukum Pidana

Tindak Pidana Umum maupun Khusus,

Penipuan, Penggelapan, Pemalsuan Surat,

Penadahan, Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga/KDRT,

Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang,

Kejahatan Siber dan lain sebagainya

Hukum Perdata

Hukum Perbankan dan Keuangan,

Perbuatan Melawan Hukum, Wanprestasi,

Sengket Sewa Menyewa, Kredit Macet, Hutang Piutang,

Hukum Properti, Hukum Perlindungan Konsumen, Hukum Keluarga

Irawan Arthen, S.H., M.H., M.M.
Founder and Partner

Irawan Arthen is a litigation lawyer who earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Law (1994) from Unisri. Recognizing the close relationship between law and business, Irawan Arthen pursued further education, obtaining a Master’s in Management from Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta (1996). Acknowledging the dynamic nature of the legal field and its continual development, he continues his academic exploration and completed a Master’s in Law from Universitas Jayabaya (2015).

In performing his profession as a lawyer, Irawan Arthen consistently upholds the principle of “securely and prudently”, ensuring that anything can be done as long as it has a legal basis. Law is depicted as commander. Truth is the mother of Justice. Hence, refrain from justifying habits. Instead, act right and think right out of the ordinary.

Frans Salom Girsang, S.H., M.H.
Pendiri dan Managing Partner

Frans meraih gelar Sarjana Hukum dari Universitas Parahyangan Bandung. Dia telah menjalani pelatihan lebih lanjut di bidang kepailitan (Kurator dan Pengurus), korporasi, perburuhan, hukum keluarga dan publik, litigasi, telekomunikasi, konstruksi dan hak kekayaan intelektual.

Sebagai pendiri G & A Law Firm, Frans berspesialisasi dalam bidang litigasi dan hukum publik serta fasih berbahasa Inggris dan Indonesia. Tidak hanya menjadi anggota PERADI (Perhimpunan Advokat Indonesia), dia juga memegang Surat Izin Pengurus dan Kurator Kepailitan serta anggota AKPI (Asosiasi Kurator dan Pengurus Indonesia). Pengalamannya yang luas di bidang profesionalisme hukum memberinya keunggulan jaringan yang luas sehingga memberikan keuntungan bagi firma tersebut dalam menangani berbagai kasus dan masalah hukum yang berhubungan dengan masyarakat serta hubungan dengan pemerintah.

State Administration

Representing the client in the face of state administrative disputes

(in all Indonesian State Administrative Courts)


Employee and Labor

Industrial Relations Disputes, Termination of Employment,

Labor Severance Pay

(in all Indonesian Industrial Relations Court)

Commercial Litigation


Debt Obligations,

Intellectual Property Dispute

(in all Indonesian Commercial Courts)

Criminal Litigation

Fraud, Scam, Embezzlement,

Counterfeiting Crime, Forgery Crime,

Domestic Violence, Money Laundering, Cyber Crime,   etc.

Civil Litigation

Banking and Financial Law, Unlawful Act,

Default, Lease Dispute, Credit Dispute,

Debts and Receivables, Property Law,

Consumer Law, Family Law

(in all Indonesian District Courts)


Frans Salom Girsang, S.H., M.H.

Founder and Managing Partner

Frans is a distinguished legal professional, holding a Bachelor’s degree in Law from Universitas Parahyangan Bandung. He has undergone advanced training in areas such Bankruptcy (Curator and Administrator), Corporation, Labor, Family Law and Public, Litigation, Telecommunication, Construction, and Intellectual Property Rights.
As the Founder of G&A Law Firm, Frans specializes in litigation and public law, showcasing fluency in both English and Bahasa Indonesia. Not only is he a member of PERADI (Indonesian Bar Association), Frans also holds the Administrator and Bankruptcy Curator License and is a member of AKPI (Indonesian Receivers and Administrators Association).
With his extensive experience in the legal profession, Frans has cultivated a broad network, providing the firm with benefits in handling various cases and legal problems related to the society and its relation with the government.